Three things to do at the end of the year to help your future marketing

December is always a weird time for marketing (and this year especially so) BUT if you are inclined it can be a good time to look at what’s worked and start to make a plan for more of the good stuff.


Here are three things you can do in December that will have a positive impact on your marketing next year:

  1. Reflect on what went well this year (and what maybe didn’t). Check out your analytics on the platforms you use and track what made people actually buy, or work with you. Can you attribute clients to specific platforms or things you did? See if you can work out what got the best results for you this year, and use this to inform what you plan going forward.

  2. Think about what you actually want in the new year. Do you want to do something different? Reach a new audience? Try a new way of working? Use this time to figure it out and get clear. If you don’t know what you want there is no way other people will. Use this to set yourself some goals and objectives.

  3. Using points 1 and 2 start to sketch out a rough plan - December is naturally a great month for planning because it’s quiet. Doesn’t need to be complicated- think about what channels (e.g newsletter/ social media / PR) work well / you want to learn about and what messages you want to put out. I love an excel planning document with the months along the top, and channels down the side. Then start to plot in big events or thing you have coming up, and gradually fill in the rest (if you’d like a template for this, send me an email and I’ll sent one over).

And a bonus thing to do - rest! Rest is work and it’s really important. If you don’t feel like planning, don’t! Enjoy the downtime and come back when you are ready.


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