I have been writing for over a decade, and now specialise in writing about wellbeing, work and parenting.
I write about work, wellbeing, health, fitness and parenting. If you’d like to discuss a project or commission, please send me an email.
Editorial portfolio
Well + Good
Feeling Stuck on a Task or Problem? Tons of Science Says You Should Take a Walk (Yes, Right Now)
The Ivy Lee Method can help you overcome decision fatigue and get things done more quickly
I live in an English city where popular movies are filmed. Here’s what it’s like.
Viral Song Helps Kids Learn to Set Boundaries - and Have Fun While They're At It
Wet socks and potatoes - can viral hacks help cure your child's illness?
The sad beige debate proves there’s no right way to parent
Spring cleaning? Here’s how to turn decluttering into a mobility workout
Can yin yoga really help rebalance or boost hormones?
Could an anti-procrastination coach help end my self-sabotage?
Gentle does it (print feature on somatics)
My dog ran away on Bonfire Night after fireworks scared him
Finding childcare during the holidays feels like survival of the most privileged
Can the Ivy Lee productivity method really help you get more done?
Boys and girls are equal – gendered school uniforms should be a thing of the past
The Sun
The 6 cheap superfoods that are key to flawless skin, weight loss and help prevent balding
Could procrastination actually be beneficial? Some experts say yes.
Women’s Health
Are you getting enough natural movements in your workout?
Fit and Well
Best hip stretches: undo the damage of your desk job with these satisfying hip stretches
Everything you need to know about sound baths
This 10-move yoga for hips and lower back routine boosts your mobility and improves your posture
Use these 10 yoga stretches for beginners to boost your flexibility
The 10 best yoga YouTube channels to practice at home for free
Scary Mommy
Nope, parenting doesn’t get easier once school starts
Coronavirus Is Forcing Women Into Tired Gender Roles
Readers Digest
Can at-home cupping therapy help your aches and pains?
Can tapping help with anxiety?
5 best low impact movement practices
New Study Suggests High-Quality Sleep Really Can Prevent Depression and Anxiety
Do You Need a Pelvic Floor Trainer? Here's How To Know
What Happened to My Skin After Having a Baby?
How to Make Postpartum Exercise Work for You
How to Manage Prenatal Anxiety
What Childbirth Class Should I take?
Pregnancy Yoga Can Benefit You and Your Baby
My Severe Pregnancy Sickness Taught Me to Let Go
Breastfeeding When Sick or Taking Medication Is Usually Fine
Menopause is Tough - Yoga may Help
Independent Oxford Magazine
The Collaboration Issue (editor)
Planet Mindful
Get yin to it (print feature on yin yoga)
Yoga from the inside out (print feature on somatic yoga)
The Robora
Witch wound: is this why women distrust each other?
The Breakdown