How to beat marketing overwhelm

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with your marketing?

It’s not just you - almost everyone I’ve ever worked with feels like this sometimes.

It feels this way because there are so many different platforms to choose. We see shiny new things and think we have to do it all, right now.

But think of it like fashion - all these wonderful platforms / clothes exist and you get the luxury of choosing which ones you want to try.

You absolutely do not need to wear everything at once. Less is often more - so maybe pick a couple of things that make sense for your audience (like say Instagram and a newsletter) and focus on those for a while.

Try them on (for at least a few months) and see if they fit - are you getting the results you want? If yes amazing, maybe you can add something else to the mix, but if not maybe try a new style.

You do not have to do everything at once. And remember what suits someone else might not be the right look for you.

Most people feel stressed when they feel like they have too much to do, and not enough time to do it in. Here are two things that can help put a stop to the feeling of overwhelm when it comes to your marketing:

  1. Simplify - what do you really need to do? Ditch the rest or put a pin in it and come back when you replay have the time and energy to make it happen. Maybe that means pushing back some of your plans until the kids go back to school or maybe it’s choosing one big thing to work on right now.

  2. Make a plan - how are you going to make it work? What time do you have? Be realistic about what you can actually get done. How many hours a day / week do you have? And how long do you need? Writing a marketing plan that needs 10hrs a week when you only have 5 is only ever going to make you feel bad. Under commit and you’ll probably over deliver and feel much better too.


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